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Hayce Lemsi

Rap music
Gangsta rap
French rap
Born in 1987, Hayce Lemsi grew up in Paris, where he made a name for himself with his freestyles in 2009. The rapper's reputation for fast, jerky flow didn't escape the notice of Soprano and Sinik, who called on him for their respective productions. In 2012, Hayce Lemsi released the self-produced album Un Petit Pas Pour Lemsi, followed a year later by Électron Libre, which reached number one on the iTunes platform. The artist then left self-production for the following album L'Or des Rois (2015). But he soon chose to return to the fullness of his artistic freedom. The following y...
L'or des rois
L'or des roisHayce Lemsi

Un Petit Pas Pour Lemsi


La haute
La hauteHayce Lemsi

La Haute


Au pied de ma tour
Au pied de ma tourVolts Face and Hayce Lemsi

À des Années Lumières

MamaHayce Lemsi and Volts Face

La Haute


One-OneHayce Lemsi

Electron Libre

First Class
First ClassHayce Lemsi and Hooss

La Haute


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