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Heidi Brühl

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Heidi Rosemarie Brühl (January 30, 1942) was a German actress and recording artist from Gräfelfing, Upper Bavaria. She jumped to fame as a teenager in the 50s for playing the role of Dalli on a series of movies commonly known as “the Immenhof films”—Die Mädels vom Immenhof (1955), Hochzeit auf Immenhof (1955), and Ferien auf Immenhof (1957). Towards the end of the decade, Heidi Brühl landed a record deal with Philips and made her debut with the single “Chico Chico Charlie,” reaching Number 5 on the German charts. In 1960, her single “Wir wollen niemals auseinandergehn” topped the...
Wir wollen niemals auseinander gehn
Wir wollen niemals auseinander gehnHeidi Brühl

Orchester Ambros Seelos 2

Wir wollen niemals auseinander gehn
Wir wollen niemals auseinander gehnHeidi Brühl

Wir Wollen Niemals Auseinandergehen / Mister Love


MarcelHeidi Brühl


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