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Helen Humes

From the age of 5, Helen Humes took her first piano and singing lessons. Later, endowed with a powerful voice, she gradually established herself in local bands and met a producer who offered her a recording session with pianist James P. Johnson. This first recording experience was a success, but her singing career had to wait, as her mother wanted her to finish her studies. So she had to wait until the end of the '30s for a second chance. Count Basie discovered her in a Cincinnati club, where she was singing with Al Sears, and offered her the chance to succeed Billie Holiday in h...
They Raided the Joint
They Raided the JointHelen Humes

Today i sing the blues


He Don't Love Me Anymore
He Don't Love Me AnymoreHelen Humes

Today i sing the blues


Jet Propelled Papa
Jet Propelled PapaHelen Humes

Today i sing the blues


I Would If I Could
I Would If I CouldHelen Humes

Today i sing the blues


Million Dollar Secret
Million Dollar SecretHelen Humes

Let The Good Times Roll


My Handy Man
My Handy ManHelen Humes

Let The Good Times Roll

