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Helen Merrill

Jazz pop
With a career spanning six decades, the New York born jazz vocalist Helen Merrill has recorded and performed with some of America's most respected names. From the age of 14 she began singing in jazz clubs around New York's Bronx district and by the time she was 16 had turned professional. Her recording debut came in 1952 with Earl Hines, one of the most influential jazz pianists of his era, who asked Merrill and Etta Jones to sing on the single 'A Cigarette for Company'. The song was a minor hit and brought Merrill to the attention of Mercury Records who signed her for their n...
End of a Love Affair
End of a Love Affair 

Bonus Track

Helen Merrill

With Strings


Mack the Knife
Mack the KnifeHelen Merrill


I Didn't Know What Time It Was
I Didn't Know What Time It WasHelen Merrill

What Is This Thing Called Love?
What Is This Thing Called Love?Helen Merrill and Dick Katz

Plaisir d'Amour


Lover Come Back to Me
Lover Come Back to MeHelen Merrill and Dick Katz

A Shade of Difference


Don't Explain
Don't ExplainHelen Merrill and Clifford Brown

Byrd's Word

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