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Hernán Cattáneo

House music
Electronic music
Hernán Cattáneo, widely known as El Maestro, is an iconic figure in the underground house scene. With over 30 years of DJing experience, 11 albums, 30 singles, and 50 remixes, Cattáneo has established himself as a pioneering force. Starting his career at Buenos Aires’ Clubland, he impressed with his professionalism and deep connection to the dancefloor. His friendships with industry giants like Paul Oakenfold and Sasha propelled him to international stardom. As the first South American resident for Cream and a fixture in the DJ Mag Top 100, Cattáneo's influence spans the globe...
Svefn-G-EnglarHernán Cattáneo and Sigur Rós (Sigur Ros)

Ágætis Byrjun


Closer to Me
Closer to MeHernán Cattáneo, Chab and J.D. Davis

Cloder To Me


Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction 

Instrumental; Mix

Hernán Cattáneo and Marco Bailey

