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Hervé Cristiani

French chanson
Pop rock
Rock music
Hervé Cristiani is best known for the 1980s hit "Il est libre Max". Born in Neuilly-sur-Seine on November 8, 1947, he sang in his school choir and learned to play guitar. In Paris, he attended the American Center, where he performed alongside other established and novice musicians, and Mireille's Petit Conservatoire de la chanson for singing. After a first album entitled "Le Palais du roi" and the duet "La Femme fleur" with Dick Annegarn, his name appears in the credits of Jean Yanne's film Moi y'en a vouloir des sous with the title "Pour l'amour des sous". A poker game with the ...
Attila Le Hun
Attila Le HunHervé Cristiani

Hervé Cristiani

Radio Bonheur
Radio BonheurHervé Cristiani

Hervé Cristiani

Il est libre max
Il est libre maxHervé Cristiani

Hervé Cristiani

Il est libre max
Il est libre maxHervé Cristiani

Hervé Cristiani


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