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Hervé Vilard

(Herve Vilard)

French chanson
French chanson réaliste
Somewhat unfairly limited in the general public's mind to his major hit "Capri, c'est fini" (1965), Hervé Vilard is one of the great names of French variety, still touring the country half a century after his debut, performing at galas, in concerts and on tour. Cruelly and unjustly labelled a "dead singer", his career has only had the misfortune of being launched by a worldwide hit that overshadowed all the others. Hervé Vilard may have long been overlooked by the French public, but he has remained a huge star the world over, from Japan to Turkey, Brazil to South Korea and, of co...
Strangers in the Night
Strangers in the Night 

Live; Previously Unreleased Track

Marvin Gaye and Hervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

Mit Musik Durchs Ganze Leben


REVIENSHervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

Herve Vilard

La vie est belle, le monde est beau
La vie est belle, le monde est beauHervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

Nos Sentiments


Méditerranéenne (L'Italiano)
Méditerranéenne (L'Italiano)Hervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

Nos Sentiments

Nous (Donna Donna Mia)
Nous (Donna Donna Mia)Hervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

Herve Vilard

Capri c'est fini
Capri c'est finiHervé Vilard (Herve Vilard)

La Saga Des Tubes De L'été


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