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Electronic music
World music
Electronic dance music (EDM)
Born Miguel Tomas Oliveira, the Portuguese bass-happy EDM producer known as Holly had his beginnings on SoundCloud, where he built a following in the early 2010s. He stepped out with a number of releases on well-known electronic imprints such as Fool's Gold Records and Dim Mak Records and collaborated with Machinedrum on the Berry Patch: Blended and Berry Patch EPs of 2020. He has also completed a number of hip-hop projects, producing for artists such as ProfJam, Dengaz, Bloody Jay, Slow J, and Papillon. In 2020, his debut 11-track mixtape Dark Skies & Holy Grail was released, an...
Build Me Up
Build Me UpSynapson and Holly

Super 8


Hide Away
Hide AwaySynapson and Holly

Super 8


Only Wanna Love You
Only Wanna Love YouDNA and Holly


Englebarn (Hollys Jul)
Englebarn (Hollys Jul)Uffe Holm and Holly

StayDelta Heavy x Dirty Audio and Holly


Never Be Alone
Never Be AloneHolly and Severman
