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Ile Aiye

World music
Ilê Aiyê is a carnival block from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, based in the Curuzu/Liberdade neighborhood, known for having the largest Afro-descendant population in the city. Founded in 1974 by Antônio Carlos “Vovô” and Apolônio de Jesus, Ilê Aiyê is the oldest Afro-Brazilian carnival block. The name comes from the Yoruba language, meaning "House of Life" or "Earth." Ilê Aiyê was created to elevate the consciousness and pride of the black community in Bahia. Despite initial persecution by the police and media, and controversy over its policy of only allowing black participants, Ilê ...
No Tempo Do Pelourinho
No Tempo Do PelourinhoIle Aiye

Ilê Aiyê Bonito De Se Ver

Negras Perfumadas
Negras PerfumadasIle Aiye

Ilê Aiyê Bonito De Se Ver

Ilê De Guiné (Ile De Guine)
Ilê De Guiné (Ile De Guine)Ile Aiye

Ilê Aiyê Bonito De Se Ver


Alienação (Alienacao)
Alienação (Alienacao)Ile Aiye

Ilê Aiyê Bonito De Se Ver


Ilê Aiyê
Ilê Aiyê 


Ile Aiye

Canto Negro


O Canto Da Cidade
O Canto Da Cidade 

Ao Vivo

Daniela Mercury, Olodum, Ile Aiye and Dida Banda Feminina


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