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Ivana Spagna

Electronic music
Dance music
Italian music
From 1987 to 1993, Spagna was the undisputed queen of the Italo disco bimbo version. Like her comrades Sabrina and Samantha Fox, Spagna added a playmate's physique to her singing talent. Her English-language hits, "Easy Lady " in 1986 and "Call Me" in 1987, took her to the top of the European charts (they both reached No. 4 in France). Her albums Dedicated to the Moon (1987), You Are My Energy (1988) and No Way Out (1991) also proved popular worldwide. After two years in the USA, Spagna returned to Italy in 1993 and began a second career, singing mainly in her native tongue. Her ...
Call Me
Call MeIvana Spagna

Silk & Steel

T'Amo T'Amo T'Amo
T'Amo T'Amo T'AmoIvana Spagna and Nuzzle

T'Amo T'Amo T'Amo


Call Me
Call MeIvana Spagna


Il Cerchio della Vita
Il Cerchio della VitaIvana Spagna

The Lion King [B.O.F.]


Gente come noi
Gente come noiIvana Spagna

Siamo In Due


I Always Dream About You
I Always Dream About YouIvana Spagna

Matter Of Time


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