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Iwan Fals

Country music
Asiatic music
World music
Iwan Fals – born Virgiawan Listanto on September 3, 1961, in Jakarta, Indonesia – is a singer/songwriter and guitarist of Javanese descent. Influenced by Bob Dylan, his early works focused on political lyrics fueled by acoustic guitar and harmonica. Before he was a solo artist, he began his musical career as a member of the group Amburadul, who released their debut album, Perjalanan, in 1979. After the group broke up in 1980, his first forays as a solo artist focused on comedic country music after winning a comedy country singing contest. In 1981, he moved back to more serious ly...
Sore Tugu Pancoran
Sore Tugu PancoranIwan Fals


Tak Seimbang
Tak SeimbangGeisha and Iwan Fals


Sarjana Muda
Sarjana MudaIwan Fals


Ujung Aspal Pondok Gede
Ujung Aspal Pondok GedeIwan Fals



Kupu-Kupu Hitam Putih
Kupu-Kupu Hitam PutihIwan Fals

Mata Indah Bola Pingpong
Mata Indah Bola PingpongIwan Fals

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