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J.D. Souther

Folk rock
Rock music
Country rock
John David Souther, known professionally as JD Souther, is an American singer-songwriter who played a major role in the development of Southern California rock music in the 1970s as part of a group that included Kris Kristofferson, Tim Hardin, Ry Cooder and Rick Martin and bands such as the Eagles, Poco and The Flying Burrito Brothers. Born in Detroit on November 2, 1945, he grew up in Texas where Roy Orbison had a major influence on his musical style. After a stint as drummer in the garage rock band The Cinders between 1963 and 1967, he moved to Los Angeles and joined future Eag...
You're Only Lonely
You're Only LonelyJ.D. Souther

You're Only Lonely


I'll Be Here at Closing Time
I'll Be Here at Closing TimeJ.D. Souther

If the World Was You


Simple Man, Simple Dream
Simple Man, Simple DreamJ.D. Souther

Black Rose


Run Like A Thief
Run Like A ThiefJ.D. Souther

John David Souther

The Border Guard
The Border GuardJ.D. Souther

If the World Was You


The Secret Handshake of Fate
The Secret Handshake of FateJ.D. Souther

If the World Was You


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