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Jack Ü

(Jack U)

Soul music
Despite both being renowned DJs in their own right, electro producers Skrillex and Diplo joined forces in 2013 as duo Jack Ü to create a hugely successful album working with artists including Justin Bieber, 2 Chainz and Missy Elliott. Skrillex, the stage name of Sonny Moore, originally started out as singer in post-hardcore band From First to Last but became inspired by the grime beats he heard coming out of London's underground clubs in the late 2000s and helped turn dubstep into a massive, high energy, global craze with his electric live sets and Grammy-winning EPs 'Scary Mo...
Where Are Ü Now (Where Are U Now)
Where Are Ü Now (Where Are U Now)Jack Ü, Diplo, Justin Bieber and Skrillex (Jack U)

My Worlds : The Collection

Take Ü There
Take Ü ThereDiplo, Skrillex and Jack Ü (Jack U)

Skrillex And Diplo Present Jack Ü


To Ü (To U)
To Ü (To U)Diplo, Skrillex and Jack Ü (Jack U)

To Ü


Jungle Bae
Jungle BaeDiplo, Skrillex and Jack Ü (Jack U)

Skrillex And Diplo Present Jack Ü


FebrezeJack Ü, Diplo, Skrillex and 2 Chainz (Jack U)

Skrillex And Diplo Present Jack Ü


Beats Knockin
Beats KnockinJack Ü, Fly Boi Keno, Diplo and Skrillex (Jack U)

Skrillex And Diplo Present Jack Ü


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