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Jackson Eppley

What's Yours
What's YoursRob Wolf, Tyler Cain, Jackie Wolf, John Mayfield, Mark Lonsway, Ben Jackson, Gabrielle Bos, Jackson Eppley and Jared Kneale


The One
The OneRob Wolf, Bruce Bouton, Tyler Cain, Jenee Fleenor, Mark Lonsway, Mayfield Mastering, Jackson Eppley and Bold Studio Nashville


100 Degrees
100 DegreesRob Wolf, Bruce Bouton, Kevin Murphy, Tyler Cain, Jenee Fleenor, Mark Lonsway, Mayfield Mastering, Jackson Eppley and Bold Studio Nashville


The Cowboy Way
The Cowboy WayRob Wolf, Bruce Bouton, Kevin Murphy, Tyler Cain, Jenee Fleenor, Mark Lonsway and Jackson Eppley


Mary, Did You Know
Mary, Did You KnowRob Wolf, Bruce Bouton, Tyler Cain, Jackson Eppley, Dan Hochhalter, Jon Epcar, Mark Alan Lowry, Johnny Mayfield, Lee Rufus Greene and Aaron Chmielewski
