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James Anderson-Besant

Out of Your Sleep
Out of Your SleepAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant

On Christmas Time


Drop Down, ye Heavens, From Above
Drop Down, ye Heavens, From AboveAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant


O Lord God of My Salvation (Psalm 88)
O Lord God of My Salvation (Psalm 88)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant


A Gallery Carol
A Gallery CarolAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant


Advent Antiphon - O Emmanuel
Advent Antiphon - O EmmanuelAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant


Unto Thee Lift I Up Mine Eyes (Psalm 123)
Unto Thee Lift I Up Mine Eyes (Psalm 123)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and James Anderson-Besant
