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James Brown & The Famous Flames

Early R&B
Soul music
A massively influential figure, James Brown - born on May 3, 1933 in Barnwell, South Carolina - is remembered as the undisputed ‘godfather of soul’, his mix of frantic African rhythms with raw rock inspired generations of funk, soul, rock and R&B artists. Born in America's Deep South in the Depression era, Brown was brought up in extreme poverty, raised by an aunt who ran a brothel. Dropping out of school, he polished shoes, washed dishes, swept stores and entered talent contests playing harmonica. At 16, Brown was convicted of armed robbery and sent to a reform school, where he ...
Papa's Got A Brand New Bag
Papa's Got A Brand New BagJames Brown and James Brown & The Famous Flames

James Brown Plays James Brown Today & Yesterday


There Was a Time
There Was a TimeJames Brown, James Brown & The Famous Flames and The James Brown Band

Gettin' Down To It


I'll Go Crazy
I'll Go CrazyJames Brown & The Famous Flames


Night Train
Night Train 

Bonus Track

James Brown & The Famous Flames

Night Train / Shout And Shimmy


Please, Please, Please
Please, Please, PleaseJames Brown & The Famous Flames


Just Plain Funk
Just Plain Funk 


James Brown and James Brown & The Famous Flames

I Got the Feelin'

