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James D Vitale

You Can't Let Me Down
You Can't Let Me DownShane Soloski, Nelson Bragg, David Sutton, Brian Lucey, Jeff Young, James D Vitale and Christopher Jon Allis


I Got Your Love in a Song
I Got Your Love in a SongShane Soloski, Brian Lucey and James D Vitale


Don't Think at All
Don't Think at AllShane Soloski, David Sutton, Brian Lucey, Jeff Young, James D Vitale and Christopher Jon Allis


You Just Say So
You Just Say SoShane Soloski, Nelson Bragg, David Sutton, Brian Lucey, Jeff Young, James D Vitale and Christopher Jon Allis


America's Road
America's RoadShane Soloski, Nelson Bragg, David Sutton, Brian Lucey, Jeff Young, James D Vitale and Christopher Jon Allis


Love and Fate
Love and FateShane Soloski, David Sutton, Brian Lucey, Jeff Young, James D Vitale and Christopher Jon Allis
