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James Darren

Pop music
Easy Listening
Teen idols
Actor, director, and singer James Darren – born James Ercolani on June 8, 1936, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – was best known for his string of acting roles in films and television from the mid-1950s and well into the 1960s. His charm and good looks made him a natural teen idol, which led to a recording contract and a series of singles including the theme to the 1959 motion picture Gidget, which was his commercial breakthrough on the big screen and on the radio. While his film and television career continued to prosper, James Darren continued to release a series of singles and a...
Angel Face
Angel FaceJames Darren

Album No. 1


Goodbye Cruel World
Goodbye Cruel WorldJames Darren

James Darren Sings for All Sizes


Johnny Angel
Johnny AngelJames Darren and Shelley Fabares

James Darren Sings for All Sizes


The Way You Look Tonight
The Way You Look TonightJames Darren

This One's from the Heart


It's Only a Paper Moon
It's Only a Paper MoonJames Darren

This One's from the Heart


The Best Is Yet to Come
The Best Is Yet to ComeJames Darren

This One's from the Heart


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