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(Jang Beom June)

Rock music
Alternative rock
Asiatic music
Jang Beom June is a South Korean singer and guitarist who rose to fame with the three-piece band, Busker Busker in 2011. Following a successful period, the band went into hiatus and Jang began releasing solo material in 2014. Jang enlisted in the South Korean army in 2017 but was forced to leave before the end of his contract due to a knee injury in 2018. He continues to release solo material as well as appearing on the reality show 'The Return of Superman'.
회상 Reminiscence (Reminiscence)
회상 Reminiscence (Reminiscence)장범준 (Jang Beom June)

Signal, Pt 1


아파트 APT (APT)
아파트 APT (APT)장범준 (Jang Beom June)


흔들리는 꽃들 속에서 네 샴푸향이 느껴진거야 (Your Shampoo Scent In The Flowers)
흔들리는 꽃들 속에서 네 샴푸향이 느껴진거야 (Your Shampoo Scent In The Flowers)장범준 (Jang Beom June)

Be Melodramatic, Pt. 3


노래방에서 Karaoke (Karaoke)
노래방에서 Karaoke (Karaoke)장범준 (Jang Beom June)

Jang Beom June 3rd Album


고백 Go Back (Go Back)
고백 Go Back (Go Back)장범준 (Jang Beom June)

Go Back


회상 Reminiscence (Reminiscence)
회상 Reminiscence (Reminiscence) 

Drama Version

장범준 (Jang Beom June)


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