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(Jang Hye Jin)

Pop music
Soul music
Contemporary R&B
Jang Hye Jin is a singer and actress from South Korea who began her career in music with Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation Chorus. Her first solo performance occurred in 1991, as did the release of her debut record 'Always in My Dreams', which was met with accusations of plagiarism. However, in 1994 her third album, 'Before the Party' came out to both commercial and critical acclaim with collaborators including the South Korean singer Kim Hyun-cheol involved. She has in fact released seven albums and a host of original soundtrack music for Korean movies. Her fifth album, 1998'...
1994년 어느 늦은 밤 (One late night in 1994)
1994년 어느 늦은 밤 (One late night in 1994)장혜진 (Jang Hye Jin)


아름다운 날들 (A Reum Da Un Nal Deul)
아름다운 날들 (A Reum Da Un Nal Deul)장혜진 (Jang Hye Jin)


나란히 걷고 싶어 Beside you (Beside you)
나란히 걷고 싶어 Beside you (Beside you)장혜진 (Jang Hye Jin)


술이 문제야 Drunk On Love (Drunk On Love)
술이 문제야 Drunk On Love (Drunk On Love)장혜진 and 윤민수 (Jang Hye Jin and Yoon Min Soo)

Drunk On Love


그날 밤 The night (The night)
그날 밤 The night (The night)장혜진 (Jang Hye Jin)


사랑이라 믿었던 것들은 Hopeless Romantic (Hopeless Romantic)
사랑이라 믿었던 것들은 Hopeless Romantic (Hopeless Romantic)장혜진 (Jang Hye Jin)


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