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Jared Haschek

The Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me
The Blood of Jesus Speaks for MeDan Galbraith, Travis Cottrell, David Moffitt and Jared Haschek

All That Is Within Me


Lead Me to Love
Lead Me to LoveJustin Michael, Benji Jackson, Jared Haschek, Deb Taylor, Gavin Chan and Justin Michael Gall


Precious King
Precious KingJustin Michael Gall, Benji Jackson, Jared Haschek, Fatai, Fatai Veamatahau, Gavin Chan, Ari Jasper Gall and Werribee Baptist Church Choir


The Bells
The BellsJustin Michael Gall, Benji Jackson, Jared Haschek, Deb Taylor and Gavin Chan
