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Jasper Forks

Electronic music
House music
The German composer, music producer and DJ Alex Christensen, also known as Jasper Forks or Alex C., was born in Hamburg on April 7, 1967. In 1987, he released his first production "Drums in your House". the title "Ritmo de la Noche" follows in 1990 with the project Chocolate, for which Verona Feldbusch sings the lyrics. Christensen receives his first gold record for this. With the music project U 96 and the single "Das Boot", he made it to number 1 in the sales charts in Germany in 1991. In 1994, he produced the album Life in the Streets for Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark, whic...
River Flows In You
River Flows In YouJasper Forks

River Flows In You

River Flows In You
River Flows In You 

Club Mix

Jasper Forks

River Flows In You


Like Butterflies
Like ButterfliesJasper Forks

Like Butterflies
Like Butterflies 

Dub Edit

Jasper Forks

Like Butterflies
Like Butterflies 

Dub Mix

Jasper Forks

AloneJasper Forks