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Jawad Ahmed

World music
Bhangra music
Bollywood music
One of the most popular modern-day pop singers in Pakistan, Jawad Ahmed was born to a family of Kashmiri college professors in Lahore, Pakistan, on September 29, 1970. He obtained a degree in mechanical engineering and informally launched his music career during the 1980s as a member of the pop band Jupiters. The group had officially broken up by the late-'90s, and Jawad Ahmed transitioned his way into a solo career with the release of his debut album, Bol Tujhay Kya Chahiye, in 2000. "Allah Meray Dil Kay Ander" became his first regional hit single, rooted in lyrics that showcase...
Too Meri Ki Lagdi
Too Meri Ki LagdiJawad Ahmed


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Ucchayan Majajan AaliJawad Ahmed


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