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Jenee Fleenor

PeacefullyRob Wolf, Bruce Bouton, Kevin Murphy, Tyler Cain and Jenee Fleenor


Lovin' me
Lovin' meMoose Miller, Phil Madeira, Bryan Sutton, Michael Miller, Mark Bright, Evan Hutchings, Jason Lehning, Jenee Fleenor, Adam Ayan, Addy Prado, Casey Wood, David Paulin, Jennifer Rai and Rob McNelley


Happily Die
Happily DieMoose Miller, Phil Madeira, Mark Hill, Bryan Sutton, Sonya Issacs, Michael Miller, Mark Bright, Evan Hutchings, Jason Lehning, Jamie Miller, Jenee Fleenor, Michael Farren, Adam Ayan, Addy Prado, Casey Wood, David Paulin, Jennifer Rai and Rob McNelley


Western Justice
Western JusticeBeni B Paulson, Evan Hutchings, Ben Phillips, Jenee Fleenor, Rob McNelley, Pat McGrath, Bobby Terry, Brett Tyler, Michael Proctor and Tyler Scott Taylor


Heaven Along the Way
Heaven Along the WayGarrett Biggs, Jenee Fleenor, Kyle Sturrock, Colt Capperrune, Joybeth Taylor and Lester Estelle


This Train
This TrainBarry Bales, Jim "Moose" Brown, Josh Martin, Eric Conn, Jenee Fleenor, Brandon Bell, Matt Menefee and Seth Taylor
