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Jerry McPherson

Agnus Dei
Agnus DeiMichael W. Smith, Dann Huff, Mike Lawler, Bryan Lenox, Jerry McPherson, The Nashville String Machine and Tommy Sims

Go West Young Man


Big Yellow Taxi
Big Yellow TaxiAmy Grant, Gary Chapman, Eric Darken, Chris McHugh, Jerry McPherson, Michael Omartian, Brent Rowan and Daniel O'Lannerghty

Big Yellow Taxi


For You
For YouMichael W. Smith, Freddie Green, Mark Douthit, Bryan Lenox, Terry McMillan, Jerry McPherson, William Owsley III and Tommy Sims

Go West Young Man


Whatever It Takes
Whatever It TakesAmy Grant, Ada Dyer, Judson Spence, Audrey Wheeler, Keith Thomas, Mark Hammond, Jerry McPherson and Athena Cage

House of Love


House of Love
House of LoveAmy Grant, Phil Madeira, Keith Thomas, Chad Cromwell, Vince Gill, Kenny Greenberg, Jerry McPherson and Tommy Sims

House of Love


Children of the World
Children of the WorldAmy Grant, Phil Madeira, Keith Thomas, Beverly Darnall, Jerry McPherson, Mark O'Connor and Tommy Sims

House of Love
