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Jessie Ware

Soul music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Originally starting out as a backing singer for close friend Jack Peñate, Jessie Ware lent her soulful vocals to tracks by a number of underground dance producers before becoming an electro-pop diva in her own right. Born on 15 October 984 in West London as the daughter of BBC's Panorama reporter John Ware, Jessie Ware appeared on SBTRKT's debut album and worked with dubstep stars Joker and Sampha as she steadily built a reputation for turning 1990s R&B into understated, emotional, dancefloor anthems. After singles “Running”—aided by a Disclosure remix—and “110%” became club hits...
Say You Love Me
Say You Love MeJessie Ware

Say You Love Me
Say You Love MeJessie Ware

Tough Love


You & I (Forever)
You & I (Forever)Jessie Ware

Tough Love


Meet Me in the Middle
Meet Me in the MiddleJessie Ware

Fifty Shades of Grey [B.O.F.]


PearlsJessie Ware

That! Feels Good!


The Crying Game
The Crying GameNicki Minaj and Jessie Ware

The Pinkprint


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