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Jill Andrews

Pop music
Country music
Alternative country
A singer/songwriter who enjoyed creative partnerships with many like-minded performers, alternative country artist Jill Andrews was born in Normal, Illinois. While attending East Tennessee State University she began writing songs, and in 2004 she formed the Americana duo The Everybodyfields with guitarist Sam Quinn after the pair met while working at the same summer camp in 1999. After the group disbanded in 2009 she issued a self-titled solo EP. Two years later she released The Mirror, a collection of songs that retained her folk and country background while simultaneously embra...
Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Total Eclipse Of The HeartJill Andrews

Total Eclipse of the Heart


Old Scars
Old ScarsJill Andrews

Good News
Good NewsJill Andrews, Dustin Christensen, Peter Groenwald and Mark Campbell


Big Feelings
Big FeelingsJill Andrews

Sorry Now (OurVinyl Sessions)
Sorry Now (OurVinyl Sessions)Jill Andrews and OurVinyl



Could've Been
Could've BeenJill Andrews

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