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Jim Carroll

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
A respected American poet and author who enjoyed a side career as a rock singer, Jim Carroll was born August 1, 1949 in New York City. While a scholarship student at Trinity School in the 1960s he became both a talented basketball player and a heroin addict. He also published his first collection of poetry. He wrote about his high school years, including the hustling he did to feed his drug habit, in the 1978 memoir The Basketball Diaries, which would be adapted into a feature film nearly 20 years later. He put his drug addiction behind him for good by the end of the seventies an...
It's Too Late
It's Too LateJim Carroll and Jim Carroll Band

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Day and Night
Day and NightJim Carroll and Jim Carroll Band

Catholic Boy


Catholic Boy
Catholic BoyJim Carroll

Catholic Boy


Nothing Is True
Nothing Is TrueJim Carroll and Jim Carroll Band

Catholic Boy


Wicked Gravity
Wicked GravityJim Carroll and Jim Carroll Band

Catholic Boy


I Want the Angel
I Want the AngelJim Carroll and Jim Carroll Band

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