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Jimmie Dale Gilmore

Country rock
Country music
Alternative country
One of the most popular and best-loved in the celebrated history of great Texan musicians and singers, Jimmie Dale Gilmore has bridged the gap between country, folk, blues and rock music with philosophical songwriting and a warm, easy vocal style. Born in Amarillo, he was raised in Lubbock, growing up with the music of Hank Williams all around him and strongly influenced by his father, who played guitar in a country band. When he was 12 he met his great friend and long-term music collaborator Butch Hancock and it was another Lubbock country star Terry Allen who inspired Gilm...
DallasJimmie Dale Gilmore

Jimmie Dale Gilmore


Just a Wave, Not the Water
Just a Wave, Not the WaterJimmie Dale Gilmore

Fair & Square


Nothing of the Kind
Nothing of the KindJimmie Dale Gilmore

Spinning Around the Sun


Another Colorado
Another ColoradoJimmie Dale Gilmore

Spinning Around the Sun


Where You Going
Where You GoingJimmie Dale Gilmore

Spinning Around the Sun


I'm Gonna Love You
I'm Gonna Love YouJimmie Dale Gilmore

Spinning Around the Sun


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