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Jimmy DeRosa

Thinking Bout You
Thinking Bout YouACT IV, Ariana Grande and Jimmy DeRosa

Dangerous Woman


I Was Made for Loving You
I Was Made for Loving YouACT IV, Ed Sheeran, Tori Kelly, Charlie John and Jimmy DeRosa

Unbreakable Smile


The World Comes Together
The World Comes TogetherACT IV, Enzo de Rosa, Jimmy DeRosa, Bárður Háberg, Eyðdis Iversen, Gloria Schmidt, Joanna Johansen, Jóna Bjørg Berg, Alexandr Serenko, Maibritt Trondesen, Aleksandra Glerfoss, Anna Sára Pætursdóttir, Gentukór Eysturskúlans and Mira Absalonsen og Tórgerð Lamh


Off the Table
Off the TableACT IV, Ariana Grande, Abel Tesfaye, Thomas Brown, Jimmy DeRosa, Bryant Peel, Shintaro Yasuda, Travis J. Sayles and Steven Robert Franks
