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Jimmy Page

Rock music
Blues rock
Jimmy Page (born 9 January 1944) first took up the guitar as a child when the family moved into a new house and discovered that the previous owners had left behind a dusty old six-string. Discovering he had a natural for the instrument, his mastery and innovative technique led to work as a session musician before he established his reputation as one of the world's greatest electric guitarists, initially with blues band The Yardbirds before becoming a fully-fledged rock legend with Led Zeppelin. When the band split in 1980, Page recorded the soundtrack to Michael Winner movie Deat...
Sunshine Superman
Sunshine SupermanJimmy Page and Donovan

Sunshine Superman

Woke up This Morning
Woke up This MorningThe Black Crowes and Jimmy Page

Live at the Greek


Sloppy Drunk
Sloppy DrunkThe Black Crowes and Jimmy Page

Live at the Greek


Ten Years Gone
Ten Years GoneThe Black Crowes and Jimmy Page

Live at the Greek

Shapes of Things
Shapes of Things 


Jimmy Page

Live at the Greek


This Sporting Life
This Sporting LifeJimmy Page and Mickey Finn


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