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Jimmy Scott

Pop music
Jimmy Scott, often referred to as little Jimmy Scott, was a falsetto voiced jazz singer who was successful in the 1940s and 1950s, faded into obscurity and then enjoyed a revival of his popularity in the 1990s. The name Little Jimmy came about because of his diminutive stature which was a result of Scott suffering from Kallman Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder which, among other things, can delay or prevent the onset of puberty. In Scott's case it limited his growth to 4'11'' until at the age of 37 when he suddenly grew by eight inches. The condition gave Scott his distinctive...
I Thought About You
I Thought About YouJimmy Scott

Over the Rainbow
Over the RainbowJimmy Scott

Hachiko's Song (Waiting For Someone)
Hachiko's Song (Waiting For Someone)Jimmy Scott

How Else
How ElseJimmy Scott

The Fabulous Songs of Jimmy Scott


When Did You Leave Heaven
When Did You Leave HeavenJimmy Scott

Very Truly Yours


If You Are But A Dream
If You Are But A DreamJimmy Scott

The Fabulous Songs of Jimmy Scott


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