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Joe Meek

Rock music
Experimental rock
One of Britain's most intriguing and contentious pop figures, Joe Meek was a groundbreaking, unconventional and ultimately tragic songwriter and producer who masterminded a series of major 1960s hits and was the subject of a movie in 2009. Beginning his career as an audio engineer for a radio production company that created shows for Radio Luxembourg, Meek's inventive engineering techniques on records like Humphrey Lyttelton's Bad Penny Blues soon turned heads. In 1960 he founded Triumph Records with William Barrington-Coupe and then the production company RGM Sound and achieved ...
I Hear A New World
I Hear A New WorldJoe Meek

Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks


Don't You Rock Me Daddy-O
Don't You Rock Me Daddy-OJoe Meek and Lonnie Donegan

Hot Diggity! It's The Fabulous 50s!


Johnny Remember Me
Johnny Remember MeJoe Meek and John Leyton

Remembering John Leyton - The Anthology


This Little Girl's Gone Rockin'
This Little Girl's Gone Rockin' 

Previously Unreleased Track

Joe Meek and Glenda Collins

This Little Girl's Gone Rockin'


VenusJoe Meek and Dickie Valentine


Dream Lover
Dream LoverJoe Meek and Packabeats


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