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John Barrowman

Pop music
Music Hall
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Actor, TV presenter, dancer and singer, John Barrowman has had widespread success in various fields, with a recording career that includes numerous musicals and several pop albums. Born in Glasgow, he spent much of his childhood growing up in Joliet, Illinois, USA, where his family moved when he was eight. He excelled at music and the spoken word, appearing in several musical productions, but returned to the UK in 1989 to study Shakespeare (though he retains dual US and UK citizenship). He soon landed a part alongside Elaine Paige in Anything Goes in London's West End and starred...
Easy to Love
Easy to LoveJohn Barrowman


Only You
Only YouAndrew Lloyd Webber, John Barrowman and Janis Kelly

Highlights from Starlight Express

What About Us
What About UsJohn Barrowman

Music Music Music

A Thousand Years
A Thousand YearsJohn Barrowman

Too Much in Love to Care
Too Much in Love to Care 

Previously Unreleased Track

Sarah Brightman and John Barrowman

Sunset Boulevard UK - 2007 Remastered Version


Tell My Father
Tell My FatherJohn Barrowman

