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John Brown'S Body

World music
Reggae roots
Formed in 1996, Massachusett's best known white reggae band have established themselves as a credible force on the international reggae scene. Their first album All Time was released on their own label and made it into Rolling Stone magazine's Top Ten Indie list. From this promising beginning the band recorded eleven studio albums to their credit and have worked up a loyal fan base. Having started out as a pure reggae/dub band a change of direction followed the departure of vocalist and guitarist Kevin Kinsella in 2006. Kinsella had been the main protagonist behind the group's pu...
Double Down (with The Elovaters)
Double Down (with The Elovaters)Elliot Martin, The Elovaters and John Brown'S Body

Give Yourself Over
Give Yourself OverJohn Brown'S Body and Goldielocks


Sky Juice
Sky JuiceJohn Brown'S Body


So Aware
So AwareJohn Brown'S Body


Be At Peace
Be At PeaceJohn Brown'S Body


Shake The Dice
Shake The DiceJohn Brown'S Body


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