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John Mayer

Jazz fusion
83 Medley
83 MedleyJohn Mayer

Any Given Thursday

Farewell Blues
Farewell BluesJohn Mayer, Joe Harriott, Les Jazz Modes, Freddie Kohlman, Dave Remington, Bill Reinhardt, Norman Murphy, Max Hook and John Mayer Double Quintet

Indo Jazz Fusions / Jazz At Jazz, Ltd.


What'd I Say
What'd I SayJohn Scofield, Dr. John, Aaron Neville, Warren Haynes, John Mayer and Mavis Staples

That's What I Say John Scofield Plays the Music of Ray Charles

I Just Remembered That I Didn't Care
I Just Remembered That I Didn't CareJohn Mayer

I've Got A Woman (Cover)
I've Got A Woman (Cover)John Mayer

Ain't Gonna Give Up On Love
Ain't Gonna Give Up On LoveJohn Mayer