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Johnny Marks

Run Rudolph Run
Run Rudolph RunJohnny Marks and Marvin Brodie

Run Run Rudolph
Run Run RudolphJohnny Marks and Marvin Brody


Holly Jolly Christmas
Holly Jolly ChristmasMadeeson And Co and Johnny Marks

Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree
Rockin’ around the Christmas TreeFrenci and Johnny Marks

A White Christmas With Grimethorpe


Rockin' around the Christmas Tree (Alberto Giraldi Rework)
Rockin' around the Christmas Tree (Alberto Giraldi Rework)Marta Giraldi, Alberto Giraldi, Alex Sullivan, Johnny Marks and Giraldi Alberto


Run Run Rudolph
Run Run RudolphThe Bearded Brothers Band, Johnny Marks and M. Brodie
