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Josh Farro

Rock music
US alternative rock
Name Above The Grave
Name Above The GraveThe Church Will Sing, Josh Farro and Kristian Stanfill Lyrics

Volume 2

Paramore Exit Statement
Paramore Exit StatementParamore, Josh Farro and Zac Farro

DecodeNight Divides, Josh Farro and Haley Williams


Te Doy Tu Lugar Make Room (Garage Sessions En Vivo)
Te Doy Tu Lugar Make Room (Garage Sessions En Vivo)Misael Jiménez, Josh Farro, Angel Martinez, Rebekah White, Evelyn Heideriqui, Joel Martinez Jr, Lucas Cortazio and Manuel Mexía V


О, божья благодать (Live)
О, божья благодать (Live)Церковь Божия Music, Phil Wickham, Jeremy Riddle and Josh Farro


This Is Who My God Is
This Is Who My God IsMeredith Mauldin, Josh Farro and Rebekah White
