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Josh Wink

New wave
Rock music
Josh Wink is one of the great names in electronic music on the other side of the Atlantic. Since the early 90s, he has been developing a style at the crossroads of garage sound, Kraftwerk-inspired experimentation and 80s synth pop. His most notable tracks are "I'm Ready", "Don't Laugh " and "Higher State of Consciousness", and he also excels at remixing.
When the Funk Hits the Fan (Mood II Swing When the Funk Hits the Fan)
When the Funk Hits the Fan (Mood II Swing When the Funk Hits the Fan)Josh Wink and Sylk 130


Are You There
Are You ThereJosh Wink

Ovum Sampler (featuring Wink Sylk 130 Jamie Myerson)

Higher State of Conciousness
Higher State of Conciousness 

Marco V Remix

Josh Wink and Wink

Ninja Tune Presents: Fitness with Sofia Kourtesis (DJ Mix)


Black Bomb (Jerry In The Bag) (Feat. Trent Reznor)
Black Bomb (Jerry In The Bag) (Feat. Trent Reznor)Josh Wink

I'm Ready
I'm Ready 

Remix Version

Josh Wink and Size 9

I'm Ready


Higher State of Consciousness [Marco V Remix]
Higher State of Consciousness [Marco V Remix]Josh Wink

Higher State of Consciousness


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