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Justin Kudding

The Other Guy
The Other GuyDevin Cooper, Justin Kudding, Spencer Cheyne and Aaron John Pollock


This Ain't My First Rodeo
This Ain't My First RodeoFoxx Worthee, Chad Melchert, Justin Kudding, Johnny Gasparic, Catherine Robertson, Chard Morrison, Crystal Smith, Dustyn Fink, Jared Brake and Nicole Perkins

Wanted Man
Wanted ManDevin Cooper, Mariya Stokes, Justin Kudding, Spencer Cheyne, Brock McFarlane, Christopher Yurchuck, Aaron John Pollock, Mitch Jay, Trent Dolsen, Brendan Waters, Brennan Wall, Annika Cheyne and Greg Williamson


She's My Religion (Live Acoustic)
She's My Religion (Live Acoustic)Devin Cooper, Mariya Stokes, Justin Kudding, Spencer Cheyne, Christopher Yurchuck, Mitch Jay, Trent Dolsen and Brendan Waters


What You Don't Know
What You Don't KnowDevin Cooper, Alexandra Adamoski, Andrew Peebles, Justin Kudding and Spencer Cheyne


Packin'DAVID BOYD JANES, Pete Lesperance, Meghan Patrick, Justin Kudding, Jeff Dalziel, Brendan Waters, Connor Stephen, James Barker, Ryan Eligh, Taylor Abram, Tyler Vollrath and Kevin 'The General' Neal
