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Justin Shturtz

Passing Ships
Passing ShipsJordan Joyes, The Walker Roaders, Justin Shturtz, Aaron Blow, James Fearnley, Marc Orrell, Mike Plotnikoff, Pete Steinkopf, Sam Bey, Ted Hutt and Tod Beene


Sovereign Lord (Habakkuk 3:17-19)
Sovereign Lord (Habakkuk 3:17-19)Epic Love Story, Jerry McPherson, Dan Needham, Joey Richey, San Franklin, Devonne Fowlkes, Andrew Johnson, Aaron Golden, Debi Selby, Justin Shturtz, Jacob Lowery, Nathan Dugger, AyRon Lewis, Mills Logan, Sal Oliveri, Camesia Wilson-Kenan, Harmony Hall and Ron Poindextor

Edge of the World
Edge of the WorldAl Hemberger, Justin Shturtz, Chris Dugan, Theodore Liao, Walker May and William Tully


Fall Back
Fall BackAlbert Difiore and Justin Shturtz


Say Goodbye
Say GoodbyeAlbert Difiore and Justin Shturtz


The Fool's Journey
The Fool's JourneyWolfy, Justin Shturtz, Keith Armstrong and Lauren Bruer
