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Karoline Kruger

Pop music
Film score
Stage & Screen
Norwegian pop singer Karoline Krüger was born on February 13, 1970, in the city of Bergen. A child actress, she appeared on the Scandinavian show Halvsju at 11 years old before winning the 1988 Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix with her original song "For vår jord." Her first-place finish allowed Krüger to represent her country in that year's Eurovision Song Contest, where she finished in fifth place. Fasetter, her debut album, was released before the year's end and peaked at Number 16 in Norway, with the single "You Call It Love" becoming a Top 10 hit in France. Krüger released eight ...
En Gang I Alles Liv
En Gang I Alles LivKaroline Kruger

En Gang I Alles Liv


For Vår Jord (For Var Jord)
For Vår Jord (For Var Jord)Karoline Kruger



You Call It Love
You Call It LoveKaroline Kruger


Syng Sang
Syng SangKaroline Kruger


Eg glemmer deg aldri
Eg glemmer deg aldriKaroline Kruger, Aslag Haugen and Hver gang vi møtes (Hver gang vi motes)

Hver gang vi møtes


Alle Spiller Alltid Et Spill (Lämna Inga Dörrar På Glänt)
Alle Spiller Alltid Et Spill (Lämna Inga Dörrar På Glänt)Karoline Kruger

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