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Ken Boothe

Early R&B
Soul music
Reggae music
Ken Boothe was a stalwart of the Kingston 1960s reggae scene recording a plethora of albums and singles, many of which were hits in his native Jamaica. His major breakthrough as a reggae artist came in 1963 when he auditioned at the legendary Duke Reid's recording studio along with his neighbour Stranger Cole, one of Jamaica's early exponents of ska. The two men formed the duo Stranger and Ken and had a string of hits until 1966 when Boothe started his solo career. After signing to Studio One, Boothe had an immediate success with the single 'The Train Is Coming' backed by The ...
Everything I Own
Everything I OwnKen Boothe

Blood Brothers


Let The Water Run Dry
Let The Water Run DryInna De Yard and Ken Boothe

Mr. Rock Steady


Freedom Street
Freedom StreetKen Boothe

Freedom Street

The Train Is Coming
The Train Is ComingKen Boothe

You're No Good


Show and Tell
Show and TellKen Boothe

Sly & Robbie Present the Speeding Taxi


ThinkingKen Boothe

The Great Ken Boothe Meets B.B. Seaton and The Gaylads


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