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Kenny Ball

New Orleans jazz
Big band
Essex boy Kenny Ball was in the vanguard of the trad jazz revival which swept the UK in sixties. Along with contemporaries Chris Barber and Acker Bilk, Ball became a household name making regular appearances on UK TV light entertainment programmes such as the BBC's popular Morecambe And Wise Show and the Black And White Minstrel Show. Ball and his band, Kenny Ball And His Jazzmen rose to fame when their rendition of Cole Porter's song Samantha reached number two in the UK Charts. The single's follow up, the 1962 release Midnight In Moscow, sold over a million copies and set the s...
You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby
You Must Have Been a Beautiful BabyKenny Ball

Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen


That's My Weakness Now
That's My Weakness NowKenny Ball


The Green Leaves of Summer
The Green Leaves of SummerChris Barber, Acker Bilk and Kenny Ball

It's Trad


Hawaiian War Chant
Hawaiian War ChantChris Barber, Acker Bilk, Kenny Ball and Kenny Ball & His Jazzmen

Invitation to the Ball


The Green Leaves Of Summer
The Green Leaves Of SummerDreamboats & Petticoats Cast and Kenny Ball


Them There Eyes
Them There EyesKenny Ball

Invitation to the Ball

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