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Kenny Lynch

Rock music
Early R&B
Soul music
English singer, songwriter, actor and entertainer Kenny Lynch was one of very few prominent British artists of Caribbean origin in the 1960s. He grew up in the East End of London in a musical family which included his sister Gladys, also known as Jazz singer Maxine Daniels. His first appearance as a singer came when he was only 12 in a concert with Gladys. He always loved singing and entertaining, and attended the Peggy O'Farrell stage school. After completing his National Service, he began working as a barman in a London pub, and also performed there. He was spotted singing in a...
Up on the Roof
Up on the RoofKenny Lynch

Singin' and Swingin'


Mountain of Love
Mountain of LoveKenny Lynch

Mountain of Love


Up on the Roof
Up on the RoofKenny Lynch

Up on the Roof

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