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Ketchy the Great

No Hard Feelings
No Hard FeelingsDrakeo The Ruler, Ketchy the Great and Ralfy the Plug


Awful Lot Of
Awful Lot OfDrakeo The Ruler, Lil Yachty, DestoDubb, Rio Da Yung OG, Ketchy the Great, Ralfy the Plug and RMC Mike

Pow Right In The Kisser
Pow Right In The KisserDrakeo The Ruler, Ketchy the Great, Ralfy the Plug, Money Monk and Remble

The Truth Hurts


Engineer Scared
Engineer ScaredDrakeo The Ruler, Ketchy the Great and KrispyLife Kidd

The Truth Hurts


Dawn Toliver
Dawn ToliverDrakeo The Ruler, Don Toliver and Ketchy the Great

The Truth Hurts


Tear The Club Up
Tear The Club UpDrakeo The Ruler, Ketchy the Great and Ralfy the Plug

The Truth Hurts
