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Knocked Loose

Rock music
Punk rock
Hardcore punk
Knocked Loose hails from Oldham County, Kentucky, where the hardcore punk band formed in June 2013. Originally known as "Manipulator," the group's initial lineup featured frontman Bryan Garris, guitarist Isaac Hale, drummer Dylan Isaacs, and bassist Kevin Otten. Most of the bandmates had previously played together in a band called Speaker, and they explored a heavy, riff-driven sound with their new group. Blending metalcore and hardcore influences, they debuted with the Pop Culture EP in 2014. Following the release of a second EP, Knocked Loose/Damaged Goods, in 2015, Knocked Loo...
SuffocateKnocked Loose and Poppy

You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To


SlaughterhouseMotionless in White, Knocked Loose and Bryan Garris

Scoring the End of the World


Slaughterhouse 2
Slaughterhouse 2Knocked Loose, Motionless in White and Chris Motionless

You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To


Deep In The Willow
Deep In The WillowKnocked Loose

Upon Loss Singles


Blinding Faith
Blinding FaithKnocked Loose

You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To


Piece By Piece
Piece By PieceKnocked Loose

You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To


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