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Kylie Morgan

Country rock
Country music
Contemporary country
American country-pop singer, Sheena Leeann Thompson (known professionally as Kylie Morgan) is from Newcastle, Oklahoma, U.S.A. After being gifted a guitar by her grandfather, Morgan began writing songs at the age of 12, making frequent trips to Nashville, where she collaborated with co-writers like Rob Crosby and Liz Hengber, before relocating there permanently at 19 years old. Mentored by Grammy-winning songwriters Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne, she began releasing material under her stage name in 2017, with "The Moment" marking her official debut. Two years later, Morgan foll...
If He Wanted to He Would
If He Wanted to He WouldKylie Morgan

Ay Cariño


Scratching the Surface (Mama's Song)
Scratching the Surface (Mama's Song)Kylie Morgan


Making It Up As I Go
Making It Up As I GoKylie Morgan

Making It Up as I Go


Something That You're Not
Something That You're NotBryce Vine and Kylie Morgan


Two Night Stands
Two Night StandsKylie Morgan


I Only Date Cowboys
I Only Date CowboysKylie Morgan

Love, Kylie


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