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릴러말즈 (Leellamarz)


Rap music
Alternative hip hop
Asiatic music
Leellamarz is the stage name of Kim Min-kyum, a South Korean rapper who rose to fame following his appearance on the televised rap competition Show Me the Money 5 in 2016. Born on July 4, 1995, he was raised in the Goyang district of Gyeonggi-do and became a talented violinist at a young age. While continuing to study the violin at institutions like Seoul Arts High School and Korea National University of Arts, he also developed an interest in rap music, eventually earning a spot on Show Me the Money 5 as a 20 year-old. His debut album, Y, was released in 2017, following his time ...
한 개도 몰라 I don't know a single thing (I don't know a single thing)
한 개도 몰라 I don't know a single thing (I don't know a single thing)릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) and 미노이 (meenoi) (Leellamarz and MEENOI)

Life is Once


거리에서 On the street (On the street)
거리에서 On the street (On the street)릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) and ASH ISLAND (Leellamarz)

Life is Once


FLIRTWay Ched, 릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) and TRADE L (Leellamarz)



검정색하트 Black Heart (Black Heart)
검정색하트 Black Heart (Black Heart)TOIL, 릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) and BE'O(비오) (Leellamarz and BE'O)


이쁜 여자가 좋더라 Boys Like Girls (Boys Like Girls)
이쁜 여자가 좋더라 Boys Like Girls (Boys Like Girls)릴러말즈 (Leellamarz), Gist and Jayci Yucca(제이씨 유카) (Leellamarz and Jayci Yucca)

Life is Once


2AM릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) and TOIL (Leellamarz)



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