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Leiber & Stoller

Don'tLeiber & Stoller and Elvis Presley

50.000.000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong

Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots
Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle BootsLeiber & Stoller and The Cheers

Shut Down

I Smell a Rat
I Smell a RatLeiber & Stoller and Big Mama Thornton

They Called Me Big Mama


Tears of Joy
Tears of JoyLeiber & Stoller and Etta James

The Complete Modern and Kent Recordings


Take It Like a Man
Take It Like a ManLeiber & Stoller and The Walker Brothers


Smokey Joe's Cafe
Smokey Joe's CafeLeiber & Stoller and The Robins